Friday, December 12, 2008

Why I am not a Republican anymore

I have had some great talks with alot of you, and I am so glad to have such a fine set of new friends,and I know today that I am a far better person because of our candid words.

Back to the subject line.
In the world we live in now I truly believe that we can no longer be a United States of America. This past election and hinting from 2004 America is a divided Nation. It seems that this Nation is split along party lines, about 33% Republicans and 38% Democrats. That leaves about 29% who do not really like either party.

And the way the GOP has been the last couple of years it is really like a new party of liberal republicans.

This is not the party of Ronald Reagan, or Teddy Roosevelt, or Abraham Lincoln. I did not leave the G.O.P, it left me and millions of us behind when they changed thier value system.

I changed my affilation to independent awhile back in 2000 because I do not want to have my name tied into a belief system that I do not support, I know that I am not alone, because alot of you have told me the same thing, yes there is some core values there, that we share but they are being chipped away, slowly.

Right now you can't tell who is a Democrat or Republican unless they put an R or a D beside thier name and that bothers me, I hope it bothers you, enough to make you fighting mad.

I have alot of friends in the G.O.P some of them are lobbyist and some of them are campaigners for Governers,Senators and Congressman,and one thing they all say is that change is coming inside the party. Michelle you know what I am talking about you hinted to in a a message you sent, and to someone who is very Conservative like myself I will not like it. That means that most of you will not like it either.

The G.O.P wants to become more mainstream and not be a voice for Conservatism, they think that Conservatism values are dying, and that we will eventually go away and be such a minority voice that no one will listen. Well they are wrong because Conservatives are gaining ground and the powers to be do not like it, they want to squash the uprising of us standing our ground.

Margaret Hoover a couple weeks ago was talking on the O'Rielly Factor about Prop 8 in California and told Bill that most of the up and coming in the G.O.P think that Gay marriage is acceptable and will eventually help get it passed, that has stuck me like a knife, because my friends who are in the G.O.P have been saying for a couple of years and you can see it is coming more to light and will probably be the law of the land. This is not the only issue, all of thier core values are being changed.

We have lost prayer in school,saying the pledge, protecting the unborn, keeping the flag from being burned, gun rights, land rights, smoking rights, and now we have lost Private industry such as Banking,Insurance, and the Auto industry. And with our New President and Harry and Nancy in charge they are going to jack up our health care,social security, our Defense, and on and on.

With the Republicans in High office and the Dems controlling the legislature we have been stretched, but now with the Dems controlling both I believe this Nation will break.

I ask you all to give me feedback on this, am I alone do you feel the same way? Do you think the G.O.P stand for traditional values, are they still conservatives? Have they sold us out? What can we do now to change it? Do we need to start a Conservative Party?

Conservative does mean more than abortion rights and gun rights there are lots of issues that need covered.

If we do not get the word out who will?

Who is going to fill the shoes of Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln,Teddy Roosevelt, John Adams,Thomas Jefferson,Ben Franklin,George Washington.

We need to get to those who still have a core value of Conservatism, pray for our Country and have God Bless America again.

I posted some of my beliefs in my Open Letter to the GOP and all Conservatives. You can still read it on Keep America Free on Facebook. And I have had wonderful feedback from folks all over the world, I put it on Townhall and recieved great response from there also.

What do we really believe in the DNC or the RNC? Or do you believe in the American People?
Is there any hope for the G.O.P? Who will lead us?

I pray we have HOPE, and Faith and a new leader will rise up and set this Nation back on course. Lets find that leader, and propell them to top and lead us out of the wilderness we have been in since 1988. I myself cannott take another 20 years of this.

Brian Kinnett

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