Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I find it disheartning to hear our Goverment asking for accountabilty on issues from the private sector on how we spend our money, they want accountabilty from housing,banking,and now the automakers, when the money to these organaztions is private money earned, now do not get me wrong here, we need accountabilty every one of us, and these organazations are no different, I do believe that we have let them all get out of control and now it is painful as we reel them back in. But our government saying be accountable is like a bankrobber having the keys given to him and the security code for the alarm given to him by the bank manager and saying only take what you need

Our Government spends our tax dollars however they want and on whatever they want. We need to hold them all to higher standards. There is alot of websites out there that give information on who spent how much on what, we should post them on our blogs and webpages and keep the government accountable. Here is one that has been around awhile and seems to do a great job.

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