Monday, December 1, 2008

Reagans Call To Action Great Video

From the Desk of Michael Reagan

Dear Conservative Friend,

As Thanksgiving approaches this week, I find that I have more to be thankful for than ever.

Besides the obvious thing we all have to be thankful for -- living in the United States of America, the greatest country the world has ever seen -- I'm also incredibly grateful for your support for my new activist website for conservatives,, which has now gone LIVE!

As Canada Free Press editor Judi McLeod has noted, "Not only is it making huge waves of hope in contemporary political circles, is energizing grassroots conservatives and giving them new reasons to believe. It's a bonus side effect that the zippy new site is driving the ‘loony left' back to their antacid and the Kook-Aid jug.

Look out Pelosi, Reid and Obama! Just when you thought the coast was clear, here come American patriots in droves. Americans are snapping out of it and getting ready to take back what they call ‘the greatest country on Earth'.

Savvy, and willing, ready and able to lead the masses back on the right road, founding father Michael Reagan is ready for the radical liberals."

Thanks to the groundswell of support that has risen up since we launched the day after the election, we're already surpassing our initial goals -- but we also realize there is much to do if we are to take our country back.

We can't do it without YOUR help -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring true Conservatism BACK!

There's something else I'm thankful for: that I'm not alone in recognizing what needs to be done to rebuild the Conservative movement. We've received many emails of encouragement and support for We hear the cry of the hearts of all Conservatives who love the United States of America and my dad, President Ronald Reagan. That's why I've dedicated this website and my work to leading the way to the New Conservatism by building on the great principles of my father.

Many of you probably remember the YouTube video that a bunch of liberal Hollywood celebrities put together during the recent presidential campaign, based on a speech by Barack Obama, called "Yes We Can." It featured a bunch of them singing (or chanting) those three words, over and over, while Obama gave a speech that seemed full of "hope" -- but was really just full of platitudes and empty dreams.

There was another man, 27 years ago, who gave a "Yes We Can" speech -- the original "Yes We Can" speech -- that truly DID inspire Americans to achieve their dreams, and the dreams of their forefathers. That man was my father, Ronald Reagan.

He gave many, many speeches; but one that stands out in my mind was the one he gave at his first inauguration, on January 20th, 1981. It was there that he reached down into his soul, and into the soul of America, and reminded all of us of our potential.

Now, there is another YouTube video up; but this one is full of clips of that momentous speech by Ronald Reagan, that spoke to the heart of true Conservatism -- the heart of true Americans.

This Thanksgiving, I'd like to get THAT message out across this great nation!

I can't do it without YOUR help -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring true Conservatism BACK!

You can watch this YouTube video by selecting here. It was put together by a user who calls himself "eaglephin," and who is obviously a great fan of my father. Just read the description he wrote for this video, which he simply calls, "Yes, we can":
It takes more than a pretty video and a bunch of celebrities singing to make a great president. It takes a person who understands where the true greatness of America lies.

Long before anyone ever heard of Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan challenged Americans to hope, to dream, to believe...

In themselves.

He brought change. He told us "yes we can". Except he also told us we didn't need government to do it. He inspired us with his words and his actions. He showed us that our individual liberty and creativity is what makes our country great not any government program...

Reagan was an idealist AND an ideologue. His policies were based in his rock solid conservative ideology. That doesn't mean he never compromised. But compromise is something different than standing on the same side of an issue with those who are supposed to be your political adversaries.
That's IT, in a nutshell. REAL change comes when WE take action -- NOT the government. REAL hope exists when WE provide it through OUR actions -- NOT the government. THAT is hope we can BELIEVE in!

That's the message I want to deliver to you, and all of America, this Thanksgiving... and far beyond. We have a lot of work to do, and we've only just begun to do it. That's why I founded -- to enable Conservatives across the country to do the work, but to do that work together, so we can make a REAL difference, and restore America to TRUE greatness -- not the "empty oratory of politicians who promise nothing but failed socialism in disguise," as "eaglefin" so aptly put it.

We need to work TOGETHER to succeed -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring true Conservatism BACK!

I receive a letter last week that reminded me of exactly why I'm doing what I'm doing. I want to share it with you, and I hope you'll share it with others as well:
Dear Michael Reagan,

I have donated the max amount to the cause to stop the "fairness" doctrine.

I wanted to thank you for following in your dad's footsteps as he was truly a great man who came along at a very critical time in American history.

I was only 12 years old when the American hostages in Iran were taken under Carters misery. I remember when your dad was elected the hostages were freed immediately and the pride was put back into being an American.

The military reforms your dad enacted immediately resulted in today's military pride and strength that few liberals understand is what protects them as Americans. I was fortunate enough to be awarded a ROTC 4 year scholarship under the expansion program your dad enacted which increased ROTC scholarships. I graduated with a technical degree and served 4 years active duty, then 12 in the reserves. I previously have worked as a civilian contractor in Iraq and now I work in Afghanistan.

If it had not been for the ROTC scholarship I would never have been able to go to school and advance myself. My great grandparents were legal immigrants from Italy of little means. My grandparents did better, as did my parents, by working hard to earn a living, buy a home and provide for us in order for each generation to do better. I am one of two collage graduates in my family and that is because of the opportunities offered to me by the ROTC scholarship programs you father enacted. I learned so much from this experience, which carries me forward to this day and is the sole reason I have been able to achieve and live the American dream.

I was in California the day your dad passed away and I cried. He is the greatest man I have known and I can only hope that some day this country is able to get back to the ethics and values he represented.

Thank you for all your hard work and I look forward to supporting the Reagan Activists through the next 4 years.

A Reagan Activist
I love that: "A Reagan Activist." That's why I'm doing what I'm doing -- and why I'm so thankful this Thanksgiving season -- because people like that writer, and people like YOU, are willing to do whatever it takes to bring America BACK to the true conservative principles that made it the greatest nation on earth.

Let's work TOGETHER to win -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring true Conservatism BACK!

Together, WE CAN DEFEAT THE LEFT and restore TRUE conservative values to America! Join in today!


Michael Reagan, Chairman

P.S. We are facing a real crisis in America -- not only a financial crisis, but a crisis of hope. That's how Barack Obama got elected: by campaigning on a theme of "hope." But the hope Obama offers is hope in government, not hope in Americans.

Obama, and all of his socialist cronies, are WRONG. As my father said in his ORIGINAL "Yes We Can" speech, "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government IS the problem."

I need YOUR help to spread this message far and wide -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring true Conservatism BACK!

Also, be SURE to forward this message to every single person in your address book, and tell them to JOIN US in the fight to take back America:

Thank you!
Please make your check payable to:
Policy Issues Institute
30011 Ivy Glenn, Ste. 223
Dept Code 1931
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

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