Wednesday, November 26, 2008

To All Conservatives

An Open Letter to the GOP, and to all elected officials.

I am an American who wishes to keep this Country Free, I believe the United States of America is the Greatest Country in the world, and that our forefathers believed in God and Country, that the Constitution was written for the average person and that it is filled with Truths that all Men and Women are created equal, that every American is protected under the Constitution and our Bill of rights.
I do believe we should help the world when called upon, to defend the freedoms of others, to teach them how to farm and build and cultivate a social structure where all are free and become self sufficient.
I Do Not Support the U.N and I wish it to leave American Soil and disband, I believe it is a society of greedy and selfish people who wish to rule the world. And that it is useless, that it should pay back the money it owes the American Tax payer apologize and leave immediately.
I do not discriminate based on Race, Sex, or Religious beliefs. I believe that every American is equal and should be given opportunities to succeed. I believe we are a Republic, and OUR Government is for the People and by the People.
I believe in Free Enterprise, that every American should have the opportunity to make something better for them, and their families, that Government should not give hand outs but a hand up.
I believe that Big Government disables people to work and provide for themselves to earn a living, to miss the reward of a day’s labor by providing for themselves or their family. That the government takes too much from those who do work and gives to those who won’t work.
I believe that every American should have freedom of speech, but I also believe that words are different than actions.
I believe that every American should have the right to bear arms, and to be able to defend themselves and to provide for their family by hunting if they so choose.
I believe that are Judicial system needs fixed, we have a system where the criminal has more rights than the victim; I believe that punishment should fit the crime.
I believe that we need a strong defense, and a very strong military presence. That we do not accept acts of terror whether foreign or domestic as a passing phase but that we strike it down now and with full force.
I believe that every American should be protected and that abortion is murder that life begins at conception, I believe in the case of rape the lady should be given all choices available to her but with care and love and guidance, if abortion is the final result then she would make an educated choice not an emotional one. I believe that pro choice stops when two people consent.
I believe that we cannot take God out of our Country any more, we need laws and morality to help mold and govern our society that without God we will become a dead and chaotic society in a barren wasteland of what we used to be.
I believe in the sanctity of marriage between One Man and One Woman, if you choose to have a different lifestyle, that is your choice. I do not have to agree with you anymore than you have to agree with me.
I believe that we need to disband the IRS and make our tax code simple, we do not need to spend taxpayer money on the study of snail slime, or on outrageous prices for equipment or bridges to nowhere, if you cannot use our money wisely then leave it to us.
I believe that to whom much is given much is required, that we as fellow Americans should help one another, through our religious organizations and charities not through the Government, we know how to redistribute our money on causes we believe in, not what the Government believes in, I believe that people who Govern should be transparent in all they do.
I believe that God gave us enough natural resources to be self sufficient that we do not need to depend on any other country for our needs of energy, or food or defense. I believe it is time our Government started paying attention to us the American People and stop worrying what the world thinks, we are who you work for.
We are those people who pay your salaries, your healthcare, your transportation, your housing, your fuel, your food, your clothing, your education bills while we cannot pay our own, we are fed up with those of you who have sold us out, we want results from those who we put in office.

1 comment:

kim said...

This is fantastic. I agree with it completely. Unfortunately, it won't get read by those that need to read it.

1. As soon as you wrote "Greatest country in the world" you lost many, many people on the left. They believe that that is an elitist concept and belief. That is one of the reasons "we" are hated around the world.

2. "Act of Terror"--well, to the left, "America" is a terrorist.

3. "Abortion is murder". How dare anyone say that. Just because babies who are younger and younger survive outside the womb means nothing. We are descended from primordial ooze and animals. Therefore, we cannot control ourselves (especially if we are teenagers) and these consequences shouldn't ruin our lives. Further, a pregnancy is only a baby if it is wanted. Otherwise, it is just an inconvenience and a blob of tissue.

5. Oh dear, you mentioned "God and Country" in the same phrase. Thems fightin' words. Don't you know that one of the founding fathers the right so relies on said that church and state should be separate? You must be one of them right wing loons. And finally,

6. "One man, one woman". You are intolerant and just plain mean. You are ignorant and think that you are better than others. Further, you discriminate on the basis of 'sexual orientation'. You should be disregarded at the least.

Sorry for the sarcasm. I have had enough of the intolerance of the left. I am sick of all the attacks on those who are looking for a country like our Founding Fathers dreamed of and set down on paper. I am fed up with people who disregard the Constitution and want rights only for themselves and those who agree with them.

This is a great letter. I hope it is going to Congress. But I fear it will be laughed at, scorned and ignored. That is the gracious 'tolerance' of those currently in power.