Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christians and Iran

Iranian Anti-Christian Film Should be a U.N. Hit!Posted by Gorgo under The U.N. at it Again Tags: , , ,

At least a new Anti-Christian film by Muslims will be better in line with our free speech values than things like, shooting people that make them angry.
So, needless to say we can’t count on the United Nations to defend ideas that we hold dear, such as free speech and um . . . any other good ideas that Americans came up with so I just love it when people like Nancy Pelosi say that we need to be more in tune with the United Nations.
We already know that upon even hearing about Geert Wilder’s film Fitna there were riots. We don’t even need to mention the violent cartoon riots. And we also know the United Nation’s stance on those particular efforts in self-expression and support of liberty and free speech. The United Nations has insited that sites like Google and Youtube remove the movie Fitna. I am wondering if they will show any support for Christians when an Iranian backed film, Beyond Fitna, comes out. The film will focus on what Iran’s FARS news agency says is:
. . .orders given to worldwide Christians in the (distorted) version of the Bible for stoking violence, committing genocide, attacking others, beheading and burning women and children who have been taken into captivity.
I know, I know, you may be thinking that this film is a terrible insult to Christians, but calm down. Before we even see this movie, I can guarantee you one very obvious difference between it and movies like Fitna. Christians who kill and maim in the name of their religon are going against Christ’s teachings. Muslims who murder, behead Christians and Jews, beat their wives, and commit acts of terror are doing exactly what their religon and holy book tell them to do.
Click here to read
This is the sad reality that the average American is all too happy to overlook. Like the person that said to me, “Islam is a religon of peace, isn’t it?” we can pretty much guarantee that even if this movie is filled with obvious lies, it will be picked up by Ameripeans as the latest gospel. They won’t bother to skip on over to a site like MemriTV to find out that they have been completely hornswoggled (don’t you just love that word). This site is not for the sensitive patriot. Shouts of “Death to America!” are the norm.
What this new film probably won’t say is that there is a doctrinal difference between Muslims and Christians. If a crazy goes and bombs an abortion clinic, killing doctors or nurses while claiming to be saving human life - we call him just what he is, ‘a crazy’! He is not following the message of Jesus Christ. If a Muslim cuts off the head of a Jewish person, the Koran tells them they are doing Allah’s will. Does this make sense to anyone but me? I swear you could repeat this statement in plain English, or Liberal Double-speak if necessary and you’d still get blank stares as if you just tried to explain trickle-down economics to a third grader (or a bureaucrat). This is as simple as it gets, BUT there is a huge problem with your typical anti-Christian’s understanding of these ideas. They are either judging Christianity from a rebellious position, wanting religon to be something that doesn’t affect their secular habits or they have emotional damage from what they perceive as or experience oppression from Christians. I’ve seen both kinds and experienced some myself. I’m sorry to say, Christianity is what it is, but you can’t make judgements on it based on people. You can call those people bad people, but don’t dismiss the teachings of Christ. He preached hope for salvation, love for your neighbor, and obedience to God. It’s just that last one that we don’t like too much.
But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking our tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.Luke 6: 27-31

Some of the Koran’s greatest hits:
(Quran 5:33): The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is: Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land.If you choose not to follow Jesus Christ, He does not tell His followers to kill you.
(Quran 9:5): Then when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.
(Quran 8:12): Remember Thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the believers, I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them.”
[9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state ofsubjugation.Christians are not called to dominate those who disagree with us, though it is sure a lot easier when they aren’t trying to do it to us.
[9.30] And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!First off, I don’t know any Christians or Jews say this . . .
[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
(9:5) When the sacred months have passed away, THEN SLAY THE IDOLATERS WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM, AND TAKE THEM CAPTIVES AND BESIEGE THEM AND LIE IN WAIT FOR THEM IN EVERY AMBUSH, then if they repent and keep up prayer [become believers] and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to themOh! That’s all we have to do!?!?! Well why didin’t you say so?!?!?!
(60:2-4) WE DECLARE OURSELVES TO BE CLEAR OF YOU, AND ENMITY AND HATRED HAVE APPEARED BETWEEN US AND YOU FOREVER UNTIL YOU BELIEVE IN ALLAH ALONEI believe in that, alone . . .without any followers . . . that would be the best condition for the human race.

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Post Date :
April 5, 2008 at 10:30 pm

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Great Birth Certificate Scandal/Cover-Up of ‘08

The Great Birth Certificate Scandal/Cover-Up of ‘08

By Joan Swirsky
Monday, 24 November 2008
Analysis: Last week, newscasters reported that al Qaeda’s #2 terrorist disparaged the election of Barack Obama, and hurled racial slurs at Obama himself. “The report has not been confirmed by the State Department,” they all said, but they reported it anyway. Fox News reporter Carl Cameron told viewers that three “anonymous” insiders of Sen. McCain’s campaign said that Sarah Palin was, in essence, a diva and a dunce. He – and dozens of others who picked up the story on other channels – never identified, or even verified, the sources of the quotes, but they reported them anyway.
Contrast these shabby examples of “journalism” with the legions of identifiable, verifiable and credible sources who for months have been investigating the disturbing allegation that Barack Obama is ineligible for the presidency because he has failed to meet one of the three requirements that the U.S. Constitution mandates, specifically that he provide proof of his “natural born” U.S. citizenship.
What follows is a partial list of people and organizations that have challenged Obama’s eligibility. Further on I will comment on how egregious the media’s failure to cover this story has been. And last, I will speculate on the reason for the cover-up of this full-blown scandal.
Attorney Philip J. Berg, former deputy attorney general of Pennsylvania and a longtime Democrat partisan, sued Obama and the Democratic National Committee for what he alleged was the DNC’s failure to vet Obama, and Obama’s failure to provide an authentic and verifiable U.S. birth certificate. The suit was dismissed as "too vague…" Berg filed a writ of certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct.30, to force Obama to produce his birth certificate. On Nov. 3, Justice David Souter rejected Berg’s emergency appeal for the court to halt the tabulation of the 2008 presidential election results, but set a schedule for a response from Obama, the DNC and all co-defendants on or before Dec. 1. Berg claims to have a tape recording of Obama’s Kenyan grandmother saying that she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya, along with his half-brother and half-sister. Here is his website.
According to WorldNetDaily, blogger Jeff Schreiber said a second case was presented to the Supreme Court on the same issue, i.e., the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has waived its right to respond to a complaint brought by attorney Philip Berg, possibly – among other reasons – because they liked their odds of Berg's petition getting denied. Berg said that if the FEC filed not solely on its own behalf but “on behalf of the DNC and Barack Obama too, it reeks of collusion."
Dr. T.B. Bradley, a forensic psychologist, stated, as part of the Berg case, that, “Upon reading all of the books written by or about Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. aka Barry Soetoro (hereinafter Obama) Applicant discerned that Obama was not a natural born citizen of the United States or if he was a natural born citizen that he had lost his citizenship when his biological mother married Lolo Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia. Obama then became a citizen of Indonesia as a result of his mother's expatriation of herself and her son, by self declaration on legal public educational records that Obama was formally known as Barry Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia [and] was not US Constitutionally qualified to hold the Office of the United States Senator from Illinois or the Office of the President of the United States.”
Author, radio host, blogger, and Chicago attorney Andy Martin filed a suit in Hawaii's Supreme Court to compel Gov. Linda Lingle to release a certified copy of Obama's vital statistics record. His request was denied. On Nov. 18, he petitioned a judge in Hawaii for access to Obama’s original 1961 birth certificate, and reported that “the judge reserved judgment.” But when he arrived back in the states, he learned that Judge Bert Ayabe had dismissed the case.
Former presidential candidate Alan Keyes filed a suit with the California Secretary of State asking that the state's 55 Electoral College votes not be cast on December 15 until Obama verifies his eligibility to hold the office. Keyes’ suit was filed by Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation, along with California Electors Wiley S. Drake and Markham Robinson. The action states: "Should Senator Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible for the Office of President of the United States, and, thereby, his election declared void….(a) usurper will be sitting as the President of the United States, and none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal." Former California Secretaries of State have reviewed background documents to verify the eligibility of candidates. In 1968, the Peace and Freedom Party submitted the name of Eldridge Cleaver as a qualified candidate for POTUS. Then Secretary of State, Frank Jordan, found that according to Cleaver's birth certificate, he was only 34 years old, one year shy of the age needed to be on the ballot. Mr. Jordan removed Mr. Cleaver from the ballot. Cleaver unsuccessfully challenged this decision to the Supreme Court of the State of California and to the Supreme Court.
Lt. Col. Donald Sullivan, a retired 23-year veteran of the Army, National Guard, and Air Force filed another suit in North Carolina, which claimed Obama should not have been on the state's election ballot because his citizenship is in doubt.
David M. Neal of Ohio filed a suit in Warren Common Pleas Court to force the Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, to request documents from the Federal Elections Commission, the Democratic National Committee, the Ohio Democratic Party and Obama to show the presidential candidate was born in Hawaii. The case was denied.
Cort Wrotnowski of Connecticut asked the court to order Secretary of State, Susan Bysiewicz, to verify Obama's citizenship before allowing the candidate to appear on the state ballot. The case was denied.
Steven Marquis filed a suit Washington State Superior Court, calling for Secretary of State, Sam Reed, to determine whether Obama is a citizen before Election Day, claiming the Hawaii birth certificate reveals neither the hospital where Obama was born nor a doctor's name the baby's footprint. The case was denied.
Rev. Tom Terry of Georgia appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court the day before the election to determine authenticity of Obama's original birth certificate and his qualifications to be president. Georgia Superior Court Judge Jerry W. Baxter denied Terry's request for an injunction against Secretary of State Karen Handel.
Author Jerome Corsi, who has written extensively about this case, traveled to Hawaii and Kenya. He learned that the Certification of Live Birth that the Obama campaign posted is, according to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, not the same as a Certificate of Live Birth, which authenticates Hawaiian birth.
Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, has named two different Hawaii hospitals where Obama could have been born. In November 2004 she said he was born at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, but in February 2008, she said he was born in the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. Before the election, the Internet site, WorldNetDaily, retained a private investigator in Hawaii to visit both hospitals, but he reported that sheriff's deputies were stationed at both hospitals to fend off inquiries.
Leo C. Donofrio a retired attorney, started a website and filed a suit in New Jersey on November 3, asking Secretary of State, Nina Mitchell Wells, for an emergency stay prohibiting Obama, Sen. McCain, and Socialist Worker’s Party candidate Roger Calero, from appearing on New Jersey's ballot, claiming all three are not “natural born citizens.” On Nov. 6, Supreme Court Justice David Souter denied Donofrio's application. But the case has now entered the docket of the U.S. Supreme Court and Justice Clarence Thomas has decided to send it to conference on December 5th! This means that only 10 days before the Electoral College votes, the nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will meet privately to discuss Donofrio’s case.
Douglas J. Hagmann, director of, has reported that 17 lawsuits in 12 states are challenging the eligibility of Obama to become the next President of the United States.
Numerous activist groups have undertaken letter-writing campaigns to the Supreme Court Justices, members of the Electoral College, and elected officials, as well as sending urgent appeals to the White House and the Department of Justice.
Websites like Citizens for the United States Constitution, We The People, PeoplesPassion, America Must Know, and Faith2Action have sprung up in passionate defense of our Constitution’s integrity. The last of these has even posted the names and addresses of Electoral College members from each state, as well as an ad in The Washington Times.
Dozens of petitions, like this one, have been circulated.
And dozens of mostly-conservative writers (including Devy Kidd and Miichelle Malkin), bloggers and journalists have written about his strange case and potential Constitutional crisis, as I have in a series of articles – here and here and here and here.
Coverage of the above by the media: Zero.
It is no mystery that the leftist media have refused to mention this potentially looming Constitutional crisis in virtually all of their print and electronic coverage. Having shilled for Obama for the past two years – dismissing his longtime radical associations, obfuscating his radical voting record, and taking a pass at their jobs of vetting a presidential candidate – their failure to cover the most explosive story of the 2008 campaign speaks volumes about collusion of the highest order.
Then there are the late-night comics, as well as snarky “humorists” like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart, who take pride in being irreverent and “outing” both people and subjects that others avoid. Not a word.
But what about the failure of the powerful conservative media – how to explain their total blackout of this story? Let’s look at their reactions:
Fox News: Total Silence. Did the healthy shares that Saudi Arabia bought of Fox influence the network’s non-coverage of this story? After all, it’s no secret which candidate the Saudis endorsed! We know that TV shows, including Fox, are on a seven-second delay, the better to bleep out offensive or inappropriate material. Doesn’t it strike Fox viewers as strange that not one of their outspoken guests, even once, mentioned this story? Who warned them not to?
Rush Limbaugh: Total Silence. Why has the Excellence-in-Broadcasting’s “Dr. of Democracy” – the man who eats sacred cows for breakfast – not touched this story?
Mark Levin: Total Silence. Why has this popular radio host, commonly known as “the Great One,” abandoned his well-deserved reputation as a Constitutional scholar to studiously not address this Constitutional issue?
Laura Ingraham: Total Silence. Here is another radio powerhouse and former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas taking pains not to mention this case…not a word!
Bill O’Reilly: Total Silence. Yes, the guy who claims he’s “just looking out for the folks”…voiceless!
Sean Hannity: Total Silence. The iconic radio and TV host who tackles every controversial subject under the sun…missing in action!
I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The very people – the so-called loyal opposition – who should have been shouting this story from the rooftops for months on end went mute. Ordinarily they would be the first to tell you that our Republic has no more precious document than the U.S. Constitution – a document that set the stage for the greatest experiment in human freedom since the beginning of recorded history. People like me – and multi-millions of others – are aware of what happens when the “salami tactics” of tyrants are employed in the service of leftwing ideology.
First, there is a charismatic character promising “change” and “hope,” but who changes his tune once in power. Second there is a whittling down of the laws of the land and the arrogant dismissal of the documents on which the nation was founded. Third there is the blacking-out of all media that disagree with Dear Leader’s message. And fourth there is the rounding-up and incarceration – or worse – of all dissidents.
This is not theory. This is history. But while both left and right media thought it appropriate to comment at length about Obama’s seven-page Questionnaire for those seeking work in his administration – a probing that makes a Pap Test, mammogram, colonoscopy, and endoscopy in one visit seem mild by comparison – not one of these cowardly journalists has asked the simple question: Mr. Obama, where is your birth certificate?
Or were they not cowards but patriots?
I’ve written several books, not one of them fictional. And thousands of articles, not one of them based on sinister suspicions or conspiracy theories. But the case of the U.S. media’s complete non-coverage of this major story has gotten me to speculate on what – or who – may be behind this phenomenon. What force could be so powerful as to silence our country’s putative guardians of free speech – the titans of the Fourth Estate?
Perhaps the mystery goes back to 2004, when President Bush won his second term in office and in his first press conference in the White House said that he had "earned political capital and intended to spend it."
Then – suddenly and inexplicably – he went into a year-long hibernation. He rarely appeared in public and gave no major speeches. Finally he reemerged – albeit weakly – in late November or early December of 2005 Could it be that shortly after the president’s reelection, he and major government officials received highly credible evidence from America’s ruthless Islamist enemies that they had a number of devastating (probably nuclear suitcase) weapons – set up and ready to be activated in as many as six-to-10 of our major cities – unless he (the president) tacked left and played nice for the following two years?
Was America taken hostage?
The president, one could speculate, had only two choices: (1) play “chicken” and possibly sacrifice the lives of millions of Americans and the destruction of major American cities, or (2) opt for the lesser of two evils, the second being to pave the way for a dangerous Trojan Horse – qualified or not – to capture the White House.
Could it be that the media blackout of the most explosive story of any presidential election in American history has been choreographed by none other than the current POTUS – the most powerful man in the entire world? This would certainly explain why President Bush has not “been himself” since January 20, 2005. It would also explain why the all-powerful media have taken his marching orders – including the New York Times, which takes particular pleasure in undermining and sabotaging the president, even when it comes to national security issues.
If this happened, it would have had to involve the highest echelon in our intelligence services, who might have paid personal visits to publishers throughout the United States, as well as to top TV and radio executives, who themselves would have passed down iron-clad orders – to their anchors, broadcasters, even comedians – to follow the blackout order or face Draconian consequences.
On November 4 – Election Day – the Dow was above 9,000. It is now plummeting, suggesting that even the “globalists” among us prefer tax cuts and capitalism to tax hikes and not creeping but galloping socialism – or what the esteemed Dr. Jack Wheeler insists is fascism.
Buyers’ remorse is in the air. America has been hijacked. What a price we will pay if the Supreme Court and the Electoral College abandon their oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution by capitulating – as the media have – to our enemies. God Save America!
About the author:Joan Swirsky ( is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 26 November 2008 )

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

To All Conservatives

An Open Letter to the GOP, and to all elected officials.

I am an American who wishes to keep this Country Free, I believe the United States of America is the Greatest Country in the world, and that our forefathers believed in God and Country, that the Constitution was written for the average person and that it is filled with Truths that all Men and Women are created equal, that every American is protected under the Constitution and our Bill of rights.
I do believe we should help the world when called upon, to defend the freedoms of others, to teach them how to farm and build and cultivate a social structure where all are free and become self sufficient.
I Do Not Support the U.N and I wish it to leave American Soil and disband, I believe it is a society of greedy and selfish people who wish to rule the world. And that it is useless, that it should pay back the money it owes the American Tax payer apologize and leave immediately.
I do not discriminate based on Race, Sex, or Religious beliefs. I believe that every American is equal and should be given opportunities to succeed. I believe we are a Republic, and OUR Government is for the People and by the People.
I believe in Free Enterprise, that every American should have the opportunity to make something better for them, and their families, that Government should not give hand outs but a hand up.
I believe that Big Government disables people to work and provide for themselves to earn a living, to miss the reward of a day’s labor by providing for themselves or their family. That the government takes too much from those who do work and gives to those who won’t work.
I believe that every American should have freedom of speech, but I also believe that words are different than actions.
I believe that every American should have the right to bear arms, and to be able to defend themselves and to provide for their family by hunting if they so choose.
I believe that are Judicial system needs fixed, we have a system where the criminal has more rights than the victim; I believe that punishment should fit the crime.
I believe that we need a strong defense, and a very strong military presence. That we do not accept acts of terror whether foreign or domestic as a passing phase but that we strike it down now and with full force.
I believe that every American should be protected and that abortion is murder that life begins at conception, I believe in the case of rape the lady should be given all choices available to her but with care and love and guidance, if abortion is the final result then she would make an educated choice not an emotional one. I believe that pro choice stops when two people consent.
I believe that we cannot take God out of our Country any more, we need laws and morality to help mold and govern our society that without God we will become a dead and chaotic society in a barren wasteland of what we used to be.
I believe in the sanctity of marriage between One Man and One Woman, if you choose to have a different lifestyle, that is your choice. I do not have to agree with you anymore than you have to agree with me.
I believe that we need to disband the IRS and make our tax code simple, we do not need to spend taxpayer money on the study of snail slime, or on outrageous prices for equipment or bridges to nowhere, if you cannot use our money wisely then leave it to us.
I believe that to whom much is given much is required, that we as fellow Americans should help one another, through our religious organizations and charities not through the Government, we know how to redistribute our money on causes we believe in, not what the Government believes in, I believe that people who Govern should be transparent in all they do.
I believe that God gave us enough natural resources to be self sufficient that we do not need to depend on any other country for our needs of energy, or food or defense. I believe it is time our Government started paying attention to us the American People and stop worrying what the world thinks, we are who you work for.
We are those people who pay your salaries, your healthcare, your transportation, your housing, your fuel, your food, your clothing, your education bills while we cannot pay our own, we are fed up with those of you who have sold us out, we want results from those who we put in office.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

America the way I see it

I was reading Ronald Reagan’s acceptance speech from 1984 and it helped believe in this Country again, who we are, where we came from and that as long as we have the very breathe of life left in us, Freedom will never die.The following is copied from His speech, although I did rearrange it.“We came together in a national crusade to make America great again, and to make a new beginning, The poet called Miss Liberty's torch led the way the "lamp beside the golden door." Well, that was the entrance to America, and it still is. The glistening hope of that lamp is still ours. Every promise, every opportunity is still golden in this land. And through that golden door our children can walk into tomorrow with the knowledge that no one can be denied the promise that is America. Her heart is full; her door is still golden, her future bright. She has arms big enough to comfort and strong enough to support, for the strength in her arms is the strength of her people. She will carry us unafraid, unashamed, and unsurpassed.We don't celebrate dependence day on the Fourth of July. We celebrate Independence Day. We celebrate the right of each individual to be recognized as unique, possessed of dignity and the sacred right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. At the same time, with our independence goes a generosity of spirit more evident here than in almost any other part of the world. Recognizing the equality of all men and women, we're willing and able to lift the weak, cradle those who hurt, and nurture the bonds that tie us together as one nation under God.We believe in the uniqueness of each individual. We believe in the sacredness of human life. For some time now we've all fallen into a pattern of describing our choice as left or right. It's become standard rhetoric in discussions of political philosophy. But is that really an accurate description of the choice before us?Go back a few years to the origin of the terms and see where left or right would take us if we continued far enough in either direction. Stalin. Hitler. One would take us to Communist totalitarianism; the other to the totalitarianism of Hitler.Isn't our choice really not one of left or right, but of up or down? Down through the welfare state to statism, to more and more government largesse accompanied always by more government authority, less individual liberty and, ultimately, totalitarianism, always advanced as for our own good. The alternative is the dream conceived by our Founding Fathers, up to the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with an orderly society.When we talk of the plight of our cities, what would help more than our enterprise zones bill, which provides tax incentives for private industry to help rebuild and restore decayed areas in 75 sites all across America? If they really wanted a future of boundless new opportunities for our citizens, why have they buried enterprise zones over the years in committee?Our opponents are openly committed to increasing our tax burden. We are committed to stopping them, and we will.Our tax policies are and will remain prowork, progrowth, and profamily. We intend to simplify the entire tax system—to make taxes more fair, easier to understand, and, most important, to bring the tax rates of every American further down, not up. Now, if we bring them down far enough, growth will continue strong; the underground economy will shrink; the world will beat a path to our door; and no one will be able to hold America back; and the future will be oursIs there any doubt that they will raise our taxes?That they will send inflation into orbit again?That they will make government bigger then ever?And deficits even worse?Raise unemployment?Cut back our defense preparedness?Raise interest rates?Make unilaterial and unwise concessions to the World?And they'll do all that in the name of compassion.It's what they've done to America in the past. But if we do our job right, they won't be able to do it again.As we ask for their help, we should also answer the central question of public service: Why are we here? What do we believe in? Well for one thing, we're here to see that government continues to serve the people and not the other way around. Yes, government should do all that is necessary, but only that which is necessary.We Come together in a national crusade to make America great again, and to make a new beginningWe don't lump people by groups or special interests. And let me add, in the party of Lincoln, there is no room for intolerance and not even a small corner for anti-Semitism or bigotry of any kind. Many people are welcome in our house, but not the bigots.Finally, we're here to shield our liberties, not just for now or for a few years but forever.”We proclaimed a dream of an America that would be "a shining city on a hill."I do believe we are that shining city on a hill that one voice can make a difference, and that if we come together not as republicans but as conservatives we can help this country get back on course, we are Americans, and it is our duty to fight for all we are, for all we have and have been given, to stick to our morals and exercise our rights. No government should tell us how to spend our money, who we should give it to, how we should worship, if we can own guns, no government should be able to exercise eminent domaine over our very lives. I believe in an America that is free .Brian Kinnett

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And so it begins

NEW YORK – A case of post-election nerves sent stocks plunging Wednesday as investors, again anxious about a recession, began questioning what impact a Barack Obama presidency will have on business and the overall economy. The Dow Jones industrials dropped more than 400 points and the major indexes all fell more than 4 percent.
Stocks fell initially as investors cashed in gains after a six-day run that lifted the Standard & Poor's 500 index more than 18 percent. But the selling picked up momentum as the market worried anew about the weakness of the economy and pondered what an Obama administration might do.
Obama will inherit an enormous budget deficit when he is sworn in Jan. 20. Analysts said that the market is already growing anxious about whom Obama selects as the next Treasury Secretary, as well as whom he picks for other Cabinet positions.
"A lot of the policy going forward is going to have an effect on the various sectors of the market," said Joe Keetle, senior wealth manager for Dawson Wealth Management.
Obama's victory means that industries such as oil and gas producers, utilities and pharmaceuticals may face greater regulation and even taxes, while labor unions and automakers are expected to benefit.
In addition, banks, insurance companies, hedge funds and the rest of the financial sector will almost certainly face attempts at a regulatory overhaul by the Democratic Congress next year.
The economy, and how long and deep the current downturn will be, weighed heavily on the market Wednesday.
"I think what is happening in the market is a continuation of really the last few weeks," said Subodh Kumar, global investment strategist at Subodh Kumar & Associates in Toronto. "The markets are still incorporating the slowdown in the global economy."
"I would put what we're seeing today not so much as disappointment about policy from the incoming administration and more about continuing to incorporate assessments about how weak economies are," he said.
Analysts said investors were growing uneasy in advance of the Labor Department's October employment report, to be issued on Friday. Economists on average expect a 200,000 drop in payrolls, according to Thomson/IFR. Employers have been slashing jobs after a freeze-up in the credit markets crippled many companies' ability to get financing.
The market showed no initial reaction to the release of the Institute for Supply Management's services sector index, which fell to 44.4 in October from 50.2 in September. But the decline, a steeper drop than the market expected, did add to the overall gloom on the Street.
In late afternoon trading, the Dow fell 402.94, or 4.19 percent, to 9,222.34.
The S&P 500 index fell 39.88, or 3.97 percent, to 965.87. Through the six sessions that ended Tuesday, the index, the one most closely watched by market professionals, rose 18.3 percent.
The Nasdaq composite index fell 70.66, or 3.97 percent, to 1,709.46, while the Russell 2000 index of smaller companies fell 22.66, or 4.15 percent, to 523.31.
Declining issues outnumbered advancers by about 3 to 1 on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume came to a light 808 million shares. Light volume can raise questions about the conviction of the market's moves; in down days it can overstate the negativity of investor sentiment.
Wednesday's trading, which followed a 300-point jump in the Dow on Tuesday, showed that the market is living up to expectations of continued volatility as it tries to recover from the devastating losses of the last two months.
Bill Stone, chief investment strategist at PNC Wealth Management said the uncertainty over the direction the government's financial bailout plan will take under the next administration likely weighed on financial stocks Wednesday.
Analysts agree that Obama's most immediate priority will be dealing with the nation's financial crisis and deciding how to further implement the $700 billion rescue package passed by Congress last month. He is expected to move quickly to get a team in place to work with outgoing Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.
"You've got to believe that the Obama camp knows you have to have a smooth transition," Stone said.
Bank of America Corp. shares dropped $1.87, or 7.6 percent, to $22.66. Citigroup Inc. fell $1.68, or 11.4 percent, to $13. Morgan Stanley, meanwhile, tumbled $1.37, or 7.3 percent, to $17.53.
In addition to monitoring the direction the next administration will take, investors continue to heed the state of the credit markets. The paralysis in the credit markets that began after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in mid-September has been alleviated somewhat by a series of government interventions, but they still show some signs of strain.
"The credit markets are starting to show some improvement and I think that has to continue for all the markets to do well," Keetle said.
Banks continued to ratchet down the rates they charge one another for borrowing on Wednesday, but the key interbank lending rate — the London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor — remains well above the Federal Reserve's target interest rate of 1.00 percent. Libor for three-month dollar loans fell to 2.51 percent from 2.71 percent Tuesday.
And the bid for Treasury bills remains high. The three-month bill, considered one of the safest assets around, fell to 0.40 percent from 0.48 percent late Tuesday. A low yield indicates high demand.
The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note fell slightly to 3.68 percent from 3.73 percent late Tuesday.
The dollar was mixed against other major currencies, while gold prices fell.
Other sectors that are being closely watched in light of the election results are pharmaceuticals and alternative energy, analysts said.
Merck & Co. Inc. shares fell $2.02, or 6.5 percent, to $29.11. Pfizer Inc., meanwhile, dipped 92 cents, or 5.1 percent, to $17.17. SunTech Power Holdings Co. was among the alternative energy stocks that declined, falling $3.46, or 17.1 percent, to $16.77.
Light, sweet crude dropped $4.88 to $65.65 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
In Asian trading, Japan's Nikkei index rose 4.46 percent, and Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index rose 3.17 percent. Britain's FTSE 100 fell 2.34 percent, Germany's DAX index fell 2.11 percent, and France's CAC-40 fell 1.98 percent.
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